Thursday 25 February 2010

Sleeping Sickness


One thing I hate about being student (though there aren't many things I hate to be fair) is the sleeping pattern that one experiences, especially a social science such as myself. I am writing this blog entry at 00:52 on Thursday morning. A year ago, to be awake at this time on a school night would be unimaginable; now it's the norm.

It's due mainly I think to my timetable, which is very generous regarding when I actually have to be in Uni. For example, Tuesday is my earliest start. I start at midday on a Tuesday. This is great for nights out and the like, but I secretly (well, not secretly anymore, I've just wrote it in a blog for goodness sake) would like a return to a normal pattern. I miss being tired before the end of Question Time. I miss having lunch at lunchtime instead of breakfast. The irony is that the only time I had a return to this body clock was at Christmas when I worked in Morrisons. Do I have to compromise my mental state in exchange for a standard nine hours sleep? It's quite an interesting dilemma. On the face of it, I would not swap the life I've got right now; I play hockey with some great people, doing a course I really enjoy and have met some really good people since I've moved to Glasgow, a city which is so vibrant with terrific night life and a football stadium literally yards away from my Halls.

On the other hand, I miss Ben Shepherd's face in the morning. I cannot pin-point why I miss GMTV. It's not that great a television show (excluding the regular appearances of Dappy, which are always both bizarre and fantastic), and the bits I feel the urge to slag off (Lorraine Kelly, no offence) I can't because I've never seen them due to the show's regular time table. It just provided a clear structure to my day, an introduction. In Glasgow I wake up at random times and (occasionally) places.

I could make a compromise. I could just get up early, get the best of both worlds. But I struggle getting up with my alarm clock ("Riverside, Motherfukkkkkkka!!" if you are interested) in the morning as it is. Oh well, I'll just wait until the summer where work is back to normal, none of this degree nonsense.

In other news, my day was improved on Sunday by a reply on Twitter by Dave Gorman. Cool eh? If you don't know who he is, he's a comedian and a funny one too. The transcript of said tweets between me and Gorman are actually fairly dull, but if you want to see them go on my twitter. It's next to this article. Which is quite handy.

Remember the piece I wrote about the Superbowl? Well, if you go to Glasgow Uni feel free to pick up a copy of the Glasgow Guardian where you'll find it in this week's edition! I had to trim it a wee bit, a thousand words on American football was a bit much, but even so, it's good to be published. The copies are being posted the grandparents, obviously.

The Winter Olympics is fast becoming similar to the bag full of washing lying in the corner of my bedroom. I know I should deal with it, ultimately doing it would improve my life, albeit in the short term. Yet I just cannot get into watching it. I could watch clips of it on Youtube, but to be honest I just do not find it interesting. Which annoys me. Speaking to Nordic people in one of my classes the other day who loved ice hockey just made me wonder if I am the only one who just doesn't care about these games? I've started calling it the "Eurosport Games" as opposed to the Winter Olympics, for in my opinion it is just the sports you get on channel 410 (is it still that on Sky? It has been a while) that you flick past automatically, only to be annoyed because it is on HD too and your channel flicking process is temporarily stalled. That could just be me.

Anyways, I'm going to get some sleep now, or at least try to. It's 01:12, the day is still young...

DC x

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