Saturday 20 February 2010

Landan and Tories.


Currently, the year below are in London, on their S6 school trip. I'm sure they will be having an awesome time, and it seems bizarre that this time last year I was doing all the things they are doing. As I type someone is probably playing "Laser Quest". Shooting a teacher. Living the dream.

What their time in London has made me think of most is just how fast technology has advanced. OK, it has only been a year, but there has been little, subtle advances in communications which just kind of gone unnoticed. For a start, I know where and what they are doing by fairly frequent Facebook status updates. I know Facebook Mobile is not a new thing, yet it just seems that it is around us (or should I say me) more. It may just be paranoia or old age. I ramble.

I think I may be right to think that it technology is advancing all the time and Twitter supports this argument. As the socially inept toolbox that I am I overcompensate by joining every social newtworking trend, ie the love affairs with MSN, Bebo, Facebook etc. Twitter is no exception. Yet when I was in London I was not on Twitter, and look at how big it is now. That is the base of my crappy little argument.

In other news, I spent last evening watching "Question Time", which was really good since it was in a town hit by the recession, Middlesbrough. What the program struck home most was the clear north/south divide in the country, both politically and economically. I knew this already, but it has never been as obvious as it was in the show. Due to political balance, the top parties and the Lib Dems (I'm joking by the way) get to field a representative. The Conservatives representative was effectively a party member, potentially an MP come May. In other words, he did not generally seem too high-up in the Party, which for me summed up attitudes to the North from the Conservatives and visa-versa. Do they care about the north? Do they care about Scotland? This, and many reasons are why I'll never vote Conservatives. To put it nicely, it's alternative interests.

Jeez, I went all political there. Sorry. Oh well, until we meet again.

DC x


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