Friday 19 February 2010



So, on the way back from Uni the other day I went into to the new Tesco on Byers Road, eagerly hoping to find Primula Cheese (long story - well, no it's not, it's a fairly short story, but one which would mean you would probably think less of me. Don't worry, it's nothing perverse, it would just reveal one aspect of my bizarre eating habits. This bracket has made you curious on what I use Primula for, hasn't it? I'm not going to reveal my cheesy secret, hell no).


I searched around the new shop to find this cheese, but to no avail. I looked everywhere. Even where the CDs are, and they weren't there either. After much searching and the eventual embarrassing feature of a lost shopper - the asking of a member of staff who cares as much about your cheese-need than you do about how today is the "Crazy Chilli Showdown" in Mineral Wells, Texas (thank you Simpsons calendar of pointless information). Having looked in all shops on my route home from campus the previous days, my possible options to find Primula lead me to one final shop; Waitrose.

Waitrose is still relatively new to Byres Road, replacing the Somerfield which stood there previously. Up until yesterday the caste system has kept me out. I have heard many things of Waitrose to suggest it was some sort of supermarket for Emperors or Monarchs.

But it is not. Apart from unusually low roofs and dashingly well-dressed staff (I use the term "dashingly" loosely, but compared to my fish-counter fiasco of 2007 anything is an improvement). The food, albeit a bit more expensive than other places, was not as extravagant as I had in my ignorant head. Most importantly, they had Primula Cheese. And that is good in my books.

But enough about cheese. I can't believe I wrote a blog dedicated to a Supermarket and something that smells a bit. Oh wait, I did that for a whole summer.

DC x

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