Monday 25 January 2010

I really do not like Glee.


Sorry about missing a day of blogging yesterday, time didn't permit it as I was very busy, playing hockey, and subsequently going out afterwards. For that I am truly sorry, I won't do it again. Promise.

In the absence of my blog yesterday I am sure many of you people watched the current (s)hit show from the US which is currently being broadcast on Channel 4; "Glee".

"Glee" is, essentially a show which is cashing-in on the same audience of twelve year olds who were hooked by High School Musical. Now 14, this "target audience" has grown up slightly and need a school-related all-singing all-cringe show to fill their hearts with covers of songs that I used to (ie before Glee) like. For example, the rendition of "Don't Stop Believing" and a severly edited "Gold Digga" (which, by the way, had no mention of having an "ass like Serena's"). Essentially it is a show which has a few innuendos - particularly the "Celibacy Club" which has more grinding than my teeth during American Idol auditions, but is still gentle enough to fit in before the watershed. I wonder what show is next? "Smack!", the story of a young drug dealer in High School who, when she comes clean, loves MacBeth? To be honest, that sounds interesting...

Even the cast makes me perform DIY dentistry. The young black girl who over-cooks every song she sings with Whitney Houston chin grizzling, the over-zealous camp guy and the lead girl who, although clearly talented, has a the face of an ex-girlfriend you just. want. to. hit.

I've made my feelings fairly well known, but I am a hypocrite. A big hypocrite, because I've watched every episode of the series so far. I probably will watch it all. Until it gets to the "Smack!" stage....


ps, DO I sound a bit more grumpier than usual? Thought so. My laptop decided to die on me today, hence this blog entry coming straight from Glasgow University library. Rage.

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