Sunday 31 January 2010



The laptop is fixed! And I am so very happy! I no longer have to do silly things such as "read books" or "go to the gym" now to pass my hours, because me and my beloved Facebook (amongst other things) have been reunited! Alas! It has only been a week...

It may had been a blessing in disguise; the past week I have actually managed to do a fair amount of uni work, far more than what I usually accomplish in a week. Like, I have already sorted my tutorial work for the week. THE WEEK. This is amazing.

Of course I have to thank my uncle, who used his knowledge of laptops to fix a computer which the IT services at Glasgow Uni library described as a "dead parrot" and subsequently referred to the Monty Python sketch for several minutes, not realising that I didn't find the situation funny not one bit. Who's laughing now? Both of us, probably, he's most likely watching Glee the now. I really do not like that show. A show I do like however is "Newswipe", a program by Charlie Brooker. His piece on how to make a news report ( actually hilarious.

Slightly shorter week this week with the return to the motherland of Fort William on Thursday night this should provide food, warmth and shelter. Essentials for an abandoned cat. And myself, of course.

Now, if you excuse, I must go and get annoyed at the horrors of Glee. I am two episodes behind.

DC x

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