Friday 22 October 2010

A Playlist.


I haven't made a list of songs that I like in a long time. Nice to do one every now and then though, innit?

The thing is, in recent weeks I've kind of reverted back to the Emo way of life. This is partly down to two things;

a) I never really stopped being an Emo, did I?

b) We Are The Ocean.

We Are The Ocean - God Damn Good.

I really like this band these days. Like the way the smell of toast makes one crave a slice, this band completely rekindled my love for Alexisonfire. The contrast between the screaming (I know, I don't like screaming either. But it's there, and trust me it gets bearable) and the singing is striking. Because the screamo element of bands like WATO isn't great, it almost amplifies the quality of the vocals. This song is an example of this.

Alexisonfire - No Transitory

It is with this in mind that Alexisonfire is next. This song especially. But if you don't like the screaming elements of these songs, thank goodness for Dallas Green's sideproject "City and Colour".

City and Colour - The Death of Me

And on a similar note, Luke Pickett...

Luke Pickett - See You At The Disco

And yet, there is still a side of me that tries to be cool. And it expresses itself by liking the XX.
I geniunely do like the XX, and I'm sure many of you have heard their self-titled album due to the praise it recieved since the Mercury prize. Rather, this is a link to a cover of some 80s pop song. It's cool.

XX - Teardrops

Unfortunatly, this urge to try and be cool is immediately squashed by what I dread - enjoying the same taste in music as my parents.

This isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but what has meant is that I am now a fan of Tom McRae. I resent this, since I have always mocked my parents about how he isn't famous. Yet on Saturday I saw him live (free ticket, free dinner). And it was actually really good. So here's the highlight of the night - his song "I Still Love You".

I'll try and and get more music on here, going to see Pete Wentz's new band on Monday. Will let you know how it goes.

DC x

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