Sunday, 31 January 2010


Remember when I referred to a Scottish Power Ranger in an earlier blog? Probably did not believe me? Proof....

DC x

Typical drab 4-4 draw then, aye?

Before I burn my eyes with said episodes of said US show I actually forgot to mention that I actually did interesting things the last couple of days. None more as interesting as Saturday's events at the News of the World, with sports journalist John McGarry. I shadowed him as he reported on the match between Kilmarnock and Dundee United. The paltry attendance at the match (just under 5000, in a stadium with a capacity of at least three times this) gives a rough indication of what could've been expected. How wrong the fine people of Ayrshire were.

The match finished 4-4. Now, for non-football followers this will mean little to you. I could say any combination of numbers (19-3, x-3, $34-5%) and would expect the similar reply of "Oh, that's nice. I don't really get football". But the match I was lucky to attend (and also have free access to what are regarded as the best pies in the country) was stupendous.

I use stupendous in the good way, of course, although the defending by both teams was sometimes on parallel to that of a fairly idiotic child, wandering the playground not smart enough to be interested in the sciences but not athletic enough to even attempt sports. Everyone knows a guy like this, right? I'm moving away from the subject here. The point was the standard of defending was dismal, but equally the attacking prowess - of Dundee United especially - was quite satisfying. Craig Conway scored a delicious volley and a wonderful chip within the space of five minutes. Kevin Kyle, who is in essence a big lump of a striker, is actually quite good at being a big lump whilst still maintaining some elements of skill. Say, like Peter Crouch if he was a)ate more porridge and b)a bit worse, I mean, he plays for Kilmarnock after all.

The one player which amused me on the pitch though was a man with an unfortunate surname. For once, this wasn't the Dundee United striker David Goodwillie, who must surely win said award every other match he will ever play in, but a character by the name of Danny Invincible.

Now, with a name like Danny Invincible, you are always heading for a fall. For Invincible not to survive a nuclear holocaust would still be a surprise, purely because of his name. Well, a surprise before the same mushroom cloud quickly turned us into puddles of messiness, but a surprise nonetheless. A name like Invincible should be saved for a Nobel prize winner, not a Kilmarnock midfielder. But blessed with this name he has been, and it's a name he lives with. The ultimate shame is that it doesn't resemble his talents. At all. I feel for him, because I know it can't be fun having a surname which can be joked with. "Childs" has more ammunition than Iraq didn't.

Overall though, I really enjoyed the day. The pre-match build up, the game itself, the pies (very good, but in my personal opinion not the same as those of Firhill "Arena" as Glasgow Warriors insist on calling it), the post-match interviews with the managers and the general combination of my two favourite things; sport and writing. The only problem is that I fear that I will probably never get that dream job I want; written media is dying from 24-hour news channels and the internet. Local newspapers are dying, jobs aren't getting replaced when people retire and there are generally few jobs available. Apparently in the time between my two visits to the News of the World (three years) not one person has been hired. Add a recession into the equation and it all starts to look bleak. Perhaps I was too hasty to leave the fish counter...

Finally, I see that Andy Murray lost. Which I am genuinely gutted about. I don't get Murray-haters, I really do not. We have been blessed with what is - and I use this term in the highest form of respect possible - a sporting freak of nature. A man, who is number three in the world and the future winner of Grand Slams, has come from Scotland. We should be proud of him, not angry because he doesn't smile as much as we would like. He is a genuine national treasure like Susan Boyle or the new Scottish Power Ranger (seriously, there is a Scottish Power Ranger. Unfortunately, his catch phrase is not "I'll set aboot ye!"). We should be treasure him.

DC x



The laptop is fixed! And I am so very happy! I no longer have to do silly things such as "read books" or "go to the gym" now to pass my hours, because me and my beloved Facebook (amongst other things) have been reunited! Alas! It has only been a week...

It may had been a blessing in disguise; the past week I have actually managed to do a fair amount of uni work, far more than what I usually accomplish in a week. Like, I have already sorted my tutorial work for the week. THE WEEK. This is amazing.

Of course I have to thank my uncle, who used his knowledge of laptops to fix a computer which the IT services at Glasgow Uni library described as a "dead parrot" and subsequently referred to the Monty Python sketch for several minutes, not realising that I didn't find the situation funny not one bit. Who's laughing now? Both of us, probably, he's most likely watching Glee the now. I really do not like that show. A show I do like however is "Newswipe", a program by Charlie Brooker. His piece on how to make a news report ( actually hilarious.

Slightly shorter week this week with the return to the motherland of Fort William on Thursday night this should provide food, warmth and shelter. Essentials for an abandoned cat. And myself, of course.

Now, if you excuse, I must go and get annoyed at the horrors of Glee. I am two episodes behind.

DC x

Monday, 25 January 2010

I really do not like Glee.


Sorry about missing a day of blogging yesterday, time didn't permit it as I was very busy, playing hockey, and subsequently going out afterwards. For that I am truly sorry, I won't do it again. Promise.

In the absence of my blog yesterday I am sure many of you people watched the current (s)hit show from the US which is currently being broadcast on Channel 4; "Glee".

"Glee" is, essentially a show which is cashing-in on the same audience of twelve year olds who were hooked by High School Musical. Now 14, this "target audience" has grown up slightly and need a school-related all-singing all-cringe show to fill their hearts with covers of songs that I used to (ie before Glee) like. For example, the rendition of "Don't Stop Believing" and a severly edited "Gold Digga" (which, by the way, had no mention of having an "ass like Serena's"). Essentially it is a show which has a few innuendos - particularly the "Celibacy Club" which has more grinding than my teeth during American Idol auditions, but is still gentle enough to fit in before the watershed. I wonder what show is next? "Smack!", the story of a young drug dealer in High School who, when she comes clean, loves MacBeth? To be honest, that sounds interesting...

Even the cast makes me perform DIY dentistry. The young black girl who over-cooks every song she sings with Whitney Houston chin grizzling, the over-zealous camp guy and the lead girl who, although clearly talented, has a the face of an ex-girlfriend you just. want. to. hit.

I've made my feelings fairly well known, but I am a hypocrite. A big hypocrite, because I've watched every episode of the series so far. I probably will watch it all. Until it gets to the "Smack!" stage....


ps, DO I sound a bit more grumpier than usual? Thought so. My laptop decided to die on me today, hence this blog entry coming straight from Glasgow University library. Rage.

Saturday, 23 January 2010



For the first time in literally months I played football today. Five-a-sides, astroturf, in the centre of Glasgow. Due to my absence from any football pitch recently, this also meant the hasty purchase of astroturf trainers. I went to Sports Direct/ Sport Soccer/ Soccer Sport/ Soccer Direct/ Direct Soccer/ Direct Sports or whatever the bloody hell it is called to buy the cheapest pair of size 9s in stock. Done.

I'll be honest with you, playing football today was actually magic. Not Paul Daniels magic. Not even Jack Daniels magic. But it was 'proper' magic. I might start doing it more often. Just to be kicking a ball again was nice. And I scored twice. And that rhymed. Score.

The football finished at two, which meant Craig and I were cutting it fine in reaching football part two; Partick Thistle vs Dunfermline. As a newly converted Jags fan today should've been a nightmare, with Partick losing 4-1. But to be honest I was pleased just to see some goals for once, even if they were in the wrong goal. Part Three of the football was at Curlers to watch the Spurs vs Leeds match. Cracking match, but was ruined by a) the pub having subtitles on and b)said subtitles being completely wrong and useless. "Crutch and Defoe are scored goals". What?

I can't finish today's blog without a brief review of "Mock the Week" which I watched on iPlayer last night. It wasn't that bad, it just missed the constant West of Scotland-abusive-anti-Kerry Katona/Michael Jackson-quick wittiness of Frankie Boyle. Then again, so is Panorama but you'll seldom see to anyone complain about it, do you?

DC x

ps Five songs I recommend loads eh;

1)Idea for a Story - Bloc Party
2)You've Got Everything Now - The Smiths
3)A Thing For Me - Metronomy
4)Liquid Lives (Noisia Remix) - Hadouken!
5)Heartbreaker - MSTRKRFT

Friday, 22 January 2010

Green means go. Away.


Last night's "Traffic Light" party or whatever it was at the GUU last night was actually ok. Not because of the theme, though. Essentially, the idea of making single people wear green was both unflattering and pointless; unflattering because it oozed off a sense of desperation and pointless because, well, you can kind of tell who the single ones at these sorts of events anyway. I managed to have a good time on not much money and managed to effectively make two people walk home because I stole the taxi they were supposed to be getting with their friends. yes, I am a bit of a dick.

Currently, I am in the library, avoiding doing the reading I came in here to do. So far, this has included going on iPlayer to see what I will be watching when I go back to the flat and trying to get the University wi-fi on my iPod. Writing this blog is also doing the trick. It has been moderately successful in distracting me, and I also found out that not only is Mock the Week back, but it is Frankie Boyle-less. Seriously. At least they have found an equally funny replacement, right? Wrong. Patrick Keilty. The drop-down in humour is like that of "The Best" Cooked ham to "M Value" pig fat, or Katya moving from a Rolling Stone to Basshunter. Which ever analogy suits you best, I guess. I'll probably find him funny though, in the same surprised way I found Glee almost enjoyable. Almost.

DC x

ps, just for the record, I wore green last night. Very, very, very, very dark green. The blackest green imaginable. But technically, yes, it was green.

Thursday, 21 January 2010


Hello! How are you today? Well? I hope so, be wrong of me to hope anything else wouldn't it? No? Fine then, I hope you are mediocre at best, then. You started this.

Anyways, I am just up. It's 11:43. Life is good, lectures 1-5 then hockey, then going out after. GUU is the plan. The GUU is like any other student union; drink is cheap, music is, for a want of a better word, standard. It is as if they have to tick certain boxes musically to consider itself a genuine union, ie "Riverside? Tick; that annoying Use Somebody remix? Tick; any song from The Killers? Tick." I can't change this, and if I don't like this I don't have to go. But a moan is a moan. It's also a traffic light party there tonight - which is, incidentally not why I am going - which is always an useful way of seeing which tools actually bothered to dress all green. Ultimately, they look like those people on Live and Kicking or whatever which have to get "slimed" for failing to beat Mr Blobby at some daft game like bowling in flip-flops or something. e.g. a bit silly, really.

But for now, I will probably shut up. Hope you have a nice day. That's right, you. I am just trying to be nice, ok!?

DC x

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hello Again


Remember me? It's David. I know, I know I haven't been here for a while. I am sorry. Since the last blog, a lot has happened. I live in Glasgow now. It's cool. Everything else has stemmed from that single fact. I do not wish to bore you with everything else.

This blog has been neglected for some time, something which I regret in many ways. It has just slipped to the back of my consciousness, along with random scenes from "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" (remember when the Green Ranger was evil?), the Roald Dahl books I read and the Martin O'Neill days as manager of Celtic. Basically, it has found itself with the stuff I do not really need in my life anymore. However, I do not want this blog, and the memoirs of the summer that it possesses, to be lost in my subconsciousness. I want to start writing it again.

Looking back at the detail and length of the summer articles on Morrison depression I feel like I probably don't have the time or memory glands to repeat them whilst over here. The blog was created out of boredom which - bar a "M" Value Christmas working in Morrisons - I no longer possess. So, here is my alternative; I shall use this blog not for whining or complaining (though a Brooker-styled moan-fest may overtake me at regular points), which I did in Fort William, nor will it be as wide-covering of my life. Instead, I shall use it for shorter, more frequent blogs, possibly daily? Probably not. But I will try.

It's nice to be back, though. See you tomorrow. Hopefully.

DC x

ps, fancy hearing a tune?